The complete set of reports and documents that are pertinent to the AGM can be found under the ABOUT THE SCIO tab under 2022 AGM DOCUMENTS. It is hoped that you will read these documents prior to the AGM and that the content can be taken as read, thereby freeing up more time for any questions. No amendments to the motions previously circulated were received.
One of the more challenging aspects of hosting an AGM on Zoom will be the roll call of attendees. It would really help if those joining the meeting could amend their name on zoom to include their name and club. Clubs are entitled to one vote per team, but this can only be exercised if additional members from the clubs are in attendance to vote.
Please keep in mind that non attendance by a club is likely to result in a points deduction. If you are unable to attend the meeting please ensure that someone from your club does join the meeting.
A zoom link has been issued by email to all clubs and if you have not received it then please email